Nov 5, 2023Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Wow, I didn't know about ladder climbers. It's interesting to learn that some of the friends stopped writing. That's something I've been thinking about lately. I heard persistence pays off recently in a podcast and I'd been thinking about it before that because so many of the writer friend's I had three years ago on Twitter "gave up" on traditional route and self pubbed and now not writing.

It is such a hard skill to develop, writing books, ( not claiming I know how to write a good one) so I can understand how life takes over and the journey to publication never picks up again.

I was encouraged the other day watching one of your videos where you said you got an agent after 120 queries ( if I recall correctly) ...I stopped at about 60 for a variety of reasons but persistence seems to off in that sense too.

I'm 42 now and I never thought that was too old, but I got worried before reading what you said about it. 🤣.

I think the older the better because I think you avoid problems such as Neil Gaiman mentioned about young writers being afraid to hurt their characters.

Thanks for post ✨

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I think ladder climbers exist in pretty much any industry! It's what happens when "networking" and "making actual friends" kind of blend together, sadly.

You recall correctly! Actually, it was over 130 queries - but I did stop there. I wrote another book, and that's the one that got an agent. And hey, I'm 43 and I promise you aren't too old!!! :)

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I’m a brand new subscriber to this newsletter, but wow. What a great, motivating first post for me to revive. Cheers!

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Thanks so much, Daniel!! I appreciate that! :)

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Love all of this, great piece.

ps. I loved some Nick at Night!

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Thanks Eva! And god, same - it was literally all I watched for a few years.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Terrific piece. Thanks.

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Thanks so much for reading!

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I started my journey as a nano publisher with my first self-published middle-grade title last year aged 50. I tried the traditional route and although the two responses I got were fair and supportive I knew at my age the only way I was going to get my work out there was to put the work in and start my own nano publishing outfit.

The learning process has been vertiginous but so satisfying. No I’m not wealthy, far from it I have to claim benefits as I have bipolar which affects my ability to work traditionally. This is my chance to try and become self-employed. I’m going to take it. You need quiet determination to be a writer, do it, no matter how old you are the world needs to hear your story. Even if only one person reads and enjoys your story it’s still worth it. Whoops! Sorry for the length of this comment.

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