Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Routine is hard for me and I have to force myself to keep a schedule, make a plan and stick to it. List all your projects and prioritize in terms of deadline date proximity and whether it's a paid service or passion service. Feel free to stagger the passion services (YouTube, Substack) and prioritize the paid services. I would include at least ONE of your own projects in the priority list. For those you can't get to plot yet, watch shows with a similar premise or vibe jotting down any ideas that come as a result. Believe me, the brainstorming and plotting will go faster when you get to it because of that show-watchjng prep. Best of luck, Michelle! I believe in you :)

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That is such good advice, Avi. I think I’ve got this figured out now, after some hemming and hawing earlier this week. :) Thank you!!

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Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Put the YouTube down! 🤣 So many exciting writing opportunities for you. Congrats! I would tackle the pieces you are contractually obligated to fulfill first. Then see which creative project you feel artistically drawn to. If it changes every day, so be it. Writing should ultimately be fun. Enjoy!

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Thanks so much, Jordan!!

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Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

This one really resonated with me. I mean, all of your content usually does, but this one is very close to where I'm at currently. First, I think I hit a burnout spot about 8 months ago. I've been climbing my way out of it f or the last two months and I'm actually writing consistently again.

The only problem is...once I got far enough out of that spot, my brain exploded with ALL the ideas, but they were just the seeds of ideas and the thought of trying to figure out where to start completely overwhelmed me. And when I get overwhelmed, I retreat to bed or the couch and watch YouTube videos on my phone for hours.

Luckily, that was also what brought me the inspiration to start *doing* something with those ideas.

This might be a little controversial, but I've been brainstorming with AI, Claude specifically. The Nerdy Novelist showed up on my feed randomly (I guess YouTube changed their algorithm?) and he does a lot of writing with AI, primarily brainstorming. So I binged. And then I tried it.

And it is actually a lot of fun, very interactive, and I don't worry about telling Claude I don't like its ideas. Usually, if I ask Claude to give me 10 suggestions for something, I end up triggering a completely different idea all together.

Long story short, it's helped me rejuvenate both my spark for writing and helped me focus my overwhelm.

Another thing I've been doing since I haven't been able to figure out exactly which project to commit to is time blocking. I've got two projects I'm actively working on, so I work on one in the morning and one at night. I'm flexible if I start working on one and the other is really pulling at me, so I just switch. There have been days where I focus only on one project, but that helps keep the overwhelm/chaos in my mind at bay.

I've written 20k on one project in the last month that won out and became my true focus, but I have moved several other projects along through the planning/development/editing phases. I've been more productive in the last month than the last 2 years put together.

Good luck! <3

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This is amazing advice - thanks, Melissa! I totally think there’s a place for using AI in a creative, inspiring way. I’m really glad it’s working for you!

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Reading about all your projects made my head spin, lol. My words of wisdom are - you need to work on the writing that has hard deadlines (obvious I know), then I'd choose the story I'm having the most fun writing, or the project that is new and could be fascinating to pursue like the serial novel. Either of the latter could get your creative juices flowing for all the projects you need to work on. FYI, I’m reading a new Serialized Novel here on Substack called Normie by C.S.M. I am enjoying reading a chapter each week, which is surprising to me because I hate seeing - to be continued on a tv show.

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Thanks so much, Alison - and for the rec, too! I've been trying to find more serial fic here!

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I think you hit the nail on the head. It sounds like you want to open up the mystery and at least read it and see if that takes you into a solid direction. You got this!

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You’re right - that’s what I’ve decided to do! :) Thank you!!!

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Anytime! You got this!

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Jul 23Liked by Michelle Schusterman

_ You are so incredibly impressive and inspiring. Usually, when I feel overwhelmed with work, I try to force myself to forget the big pictures and take things one step at a time, one chapter / paragraph / sentence at a time. The more you think about ALL the things you have to do, the more tantalizing it can be. Just pick one tiny thing and complete it to have a little dose of that completion rush :)

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Thank you so much!! That’s really great advice - one step at a time always works.

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Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Roll a die? If nothing else your feelings about the result might help you decide.

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Ha! I actually ended up reading the mystery and it’s much closer to ‘ready’ than I remembered, so I’m going to revise it!

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Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

The title of this! 🤣

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Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

On the one hand, I'm glad I don't work (retired AF, thank you), because I'd never get any writing in. That said, I'm busy enough with summer obligations (huge garden, other responsibilities), and I have several projects in various stages (I self-publish). I found that I can move along well enough if

a) I devote specific time of the day to do each one...it might only be 20 minutes, or two hours, but I commit, and then what gets done gets done and I have to be satisfied with it for now (a good mantra to use any time, but especially when retired, as "good enough" becomes the standard).

b) steal time that I might be using to read or watch/listen to something, or be on social media (like now). Again, short burst, but if all I do is write a half-page or edit a paragraph, it's one less half-page/paragraph to do later.

But I get the whole "I'm exhausted after work" bit. Been there, done that, feel sorry for you but tickled to death to be me. Good luck.

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This is wonderful advice - and your last line cracked me up! ENJOY that freedom!!!!

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Jul 25Liked by Michelle Schusterman

Like my gut, "I'm workin' on it."

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Jul 22Liked by Michelle Schusterman

I've had the same problem in 30 years as a writer and editor. I want to write THIS, but I know I should be working on THAT, and so instead I do nothing… Except for waste time online. Back in 1990 it was reading about Twin Peaks on Usenet. Nowadays there are more distractions (but I still read about Twin Peaks.)

Right now I have three novels I am excited to start… But I know that I have to finish the short parts of a subplot for an otherwise long-completed novel. I have put off these short parts for years now. I have zero enthusiasm for them, but my publishing plan depends on getting them done first.

In other words: I have no advice for you. Send help.

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We’re in the same boat, Paul!!!

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