Hey Michelle! I know you sometimes do Q&As so thought I'd ask a question just in case :)

Let's say (this is totally completely 100% hyopthetical😜 ) that you've sent a small number of queries and have a decent request rate...do you keep querying or wait until you hear back on the requests?

My query letter & sample chapters are clearly working...but what if my full manuscript doesn't? I'm afraid of exhausting my agent list (with a manuscript that might have problems) by continuing to query, when getting more critiques or hiring (admittedly, another) editor and doing more deep revisions could lead to an offer of representation (I am Niles. I do think "I could just rewrite this one more time"😂 ). But by not querying additional agents, I'm limiting my options if rejections on requests are a matter of taste, not quality issues and I DO get an offer.

I know there's no straightforward answer to this...as no one who hasn't read the manuscript can judge the quality...but it's a conundrum I haven't heard discussed much before!

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Just a question. Do you think an adult query needs voice in it? I find in order to get voice in a query you need to use extra words, but the short queries always look more appealing because of the white space. Those gaps of white space shine with professionalism...not sure why.

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